New Beginnings


Welcome to the new blog! 

It's funny, I had no intention of starting a new blog. I haven't been writing much lately. Actually, I haven't been doing much of anything other than working. It's a hard time to be a therapist in this post-pandemic shutdown world where everything is both familiar and very changed.

I don't think we're talking enough about what a collective trauma that was, nor how we should address it. Or the betrayal of our leadership who used this event to divide us instead of uniting us and inspiring us to take care of each other. (I would say more about that, but this is exactly why no one invites me to parties.)

At any rate, I've been so serious and so just...steeped in deficit framing of the world and so, so busy trying to hold space for people who are really suffering in post-shutdown life that I lost sight of my Buddhist teachings around change, and non-attachment. Plus, personally, I was dealing with some growth and grief and trying to figure out who I am now, and trying to assess how I was showing up to the people I love the most.

About a week ago, I saw my beloved acupuncturist. I hadn't been seeing her because I was so busy and hadn't been making time for any self-care. I had my mammogram but that's about it, and I only prioritized that because I wanted the "five-year all-clear" after my bout with breast cancer in 2017. 

Anyway, she asked me how I was doing and I just...burst into tears. I just fell the hell apart. Once I calmed down, she told me that she was seeing those of us who work in wellness (mental and physical and energetic) hitting a wall right now. After two-and-a-half years of holding space for everyone else's dysregulation, we are just now feeling our own.

In the course of our conversation, we talked a lot about the fallout from so much togetherness of families and so much faux connection on social media and how relentless it all is right now, and I said something about how we are all missing the opportunities to discover each other and to delight in the discovery process. She said, "Are you still blogging? Because it seems like this is a message that might find a larger audience and help folks."

I sat with the idea for a bit and realized that I missed the creative outlet of blogging (or, you know, anything else that might be creative. I'm not even knitting.) What I am doing right now is learning a lot about human connection and human sexuality and delighting in the discoveries I'm making there. I'd love to share what I'm discovering on this blog if I can remember how to do that, and if you're interested. 

One of my amazing clients clued me in on the power of the new moon energy, and I thought I'd celebrate it with this new endeavor --those of you who followed my old blog know how much I love a fresh start! This will be more of a therapy blog rather than musings on my non-linear life so I hope it will be of more help. 

Here's to the new moon and new the new seeds we are planting!
